H.V.A.I. and District 4 of Washtenaw County Service Committees
To volunteer or Exchange Information with any committee, send an Email to the appropriate committee from the list below.

H. V. A. I. MEETING: 1 PM ( 3rd Sat. of ea. month) Annex, 2727 Fernwood Ave., Ann Arbor 48104
(This meeting is a Hybrid (In person and synchronous Zoom). Zoom ID: 6691026506. PW: EasyDoesIt

HVAI Chairperson, President John R
HVAI Co-Chair, Vice President Tabitha B.
HVAI Treasurer Deb C.
HVAI Secretary Paul W.
District 4 Liaison Paul W.

DISTRICT 4: MEETING, 7PM ( 3rd Mon. of ea. month). Zoom and In person: Genesis of Ann Arbor, 2309 Packard Road, Ann Arbor, 48104 Zoom Link: ID: 818 5244 8455 PW: District4

Nominations for many positions will occur at the December meeting. Elections will be held at the January meeting. Positions available are: Secretary and Alternate Secretary; CPC; Women's Correction; Public Info.; Accessibility; HVAI Liaison; MCYPAA Liaison; Grapevine-- see descriptions of these positions below. MCYPAA (Young people in AA): The Liasion attends District 4 meetings to ensure young people events are communicated to GSR's, the District and the recovering community.

District 4 DCM Open
District 4 Alt. DCM Open
District 4 Treasurer Dan P. & John S.
HVAI 4 Liaison Paul W.
District 4 Secretary Chris K.

Archives: District Open/HVAI Open
Gathers and maintains historical material about the fellowship in our area. This material consists of group histories, pictures, books, articles, buttons and Grapevines. Email: archives@hvai.org

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) HVAI Chairperson: Open.-- District Chairperson:Patti D.
nforms professionals about A.A.- what we can do and what we cannot do. Enables better communication between A.A.'s and professionals to find productive and creative ways of cooperating without affiliation. The professional community may include physicians, clergy, judges, therapists and probation officers or any other professional who comes into contact with an alcoholic. Email: For professionals@hvai.org

Correctional Facilities: HVAI Chairperson: Sandy E. -- District 4 Chairpersons: Joe D. (Men's) & Erin B. (Women"s)
Coordinates the work of individual A.A. members, groups, and entities who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls. This may include conducting meetings in a prison, providing literature to inmates and coordinating an interim sponsor program. Email: corrections@hvai.org

Correctional Facilities Penpal: HVAI Chairperson & District 4 Chairperson: Ann B.
Coordinates sponsorship programs through standard mail -- PO Box 392, Chelsea, MI 48118 Email: penpal@hvai.org

Event Committees: Thanksgiving Alkathon - Christmas Alkathon - New Years Alkathon - Annual Picnic, Festival Booth. Email: events@hvai.org

Grapevine: HVAI Chairperson: Ann S..-- District 4 Chairperson: Digant K.
Communicates between the Grapevine and the fellowship and brings grass-roots opinions to the Grapevine staff so they can better serve the Fellowship. Promotes awareness and support of Grapevine through subscriptions.
Email: grapevine@hvai.org

Helpline: HVAI Chairperson: Ann S.
The first contact many people have with alcoholics anonymous and local volunteers. Trains and recruits volunteers to staff the helpline 7 days a week.
Email: helpline@hvai.org

Newsletter: HVAI Newsletter Chairperson: Tabitha B.
If you want to submit articles or information to the newsletter send an email to the chairperson by following the email link below. The monthly newsletters can be viewed and printed from the News page. If you have special needs, direct your request to the Chairman.

Public Information (PI): HVAI Chairperson: Open.-- District 4 Chairperson: Open
Carries the A.A. message and information about the fellowship to the public. This includes working with the HelpLine Services and Production of a Printed Local Meeting Directory. The monthly Committee meeting is held at at 2:pm on the 3rd Saturday of each Month (follows the H.V.A.I. Business Meeting).
Email: publicinfo@hvai.org

Accessibility: HVAI Chairperson: Open.-- District 4 Chairperson: Mark L.
Carries the A.A. message and information about the fellowship to those who are blind or visually impaired; deaf or hearing impaired; chronically ill or home bound; and those with limited reading skills. Committee members explore, develop and offer alternatives to get the A.A. message to everyone who reaches out for it.
Email: accessibility@hvai.org

Treatment Facilities: HVAI Chairperson: Open -- District 4 Chairperson: Cheryl KG.
Encourages A.A. members to assume responsibility for carrying the message into hospitals and treatment facilities.
A state-wide contact list for people in treatment is being developed. Bridges the gap through workshops and working with treatment center staff to establish beginners meetings and direct the flow of patients to A.A. meetings.
Email: treatment@hvai.org

Technology: District 4 Chairperson: Mark B.
Facilitates virtual meetings at the District level. Email: technology@hvai.org

Paul M. is our Webmaster. Our goal is to maintain a secure internet presence for Huron Valley Area Intergroup, District 4, and Alcoholics Anonymous in order to share resources and contact information, as suggested by the AA guidelines and traditions. Our primary purpose is to serve the needs of the alcoholic who still suffers, and to their friends, family and professionals who wish to help them. Email: webmaster@hvai.org

Our primary purpose is to carry the AA message through the HelpLine, Committee Action & AA literature.
We wish to thank the local AA groups and those individual AA members that support the
Huron Valley Area Intergroup.

HELPLINE: (734) 482-5700

It  is not reviewed or endorsed by A. A. W. S.